Q: Gov. Gavin Newsom’s plan to produce only electric cars by 2035 will not work for poor people. Not only do auto manufacturers and dealers mark up electric cars to an insane level above their cost (last time I shopped, it was a $6,000 to $8,000 premium), but all the savings have to be paid upfront in the form of the inflated price of a new car and is a handicap for poor people. This is just another case of class warfare in California.


A: Today, we hear from those skeptical that the 2035 change will work.

Q: Hah! Talk about toeing the party line. I was amused by Gov. Newsom’s call to produce only electric vehicles by 2035. Where pray tell, will those gigawatts come from? The mythical land of Oz?

Rob Ober, Los Gatos

A: Well …

Q: There is no way for most apartment dwellers to charge an electric car. Is anyone addressing that? Given that it takes hours to charge a car, I don’t see how using public charging stations will work.

Maxine Minckler

A: Here’s a start. San Jose is looking at hooking up charging stations at parking spots on downtown streets.

Q: I’m glad to hear that California’s grid problem is pretty easily fixed, according to your experts. You don’t say? How many years and how many billions of dollars until we don’t have rolling blackouts anymore? Now layer on the cost for grid improvements to meet the electric vehicle mandate, please.

John Harrington, Palo Alto

A: This won’t be easy, to be sure.

Q: Another stupid idea from Newsom and Democrats to eliminate gas cars. California is a nanny state. We do not have enough electrical power now with brownouts.

Joe Ruk, San Jose

A: Let’s keep going …

Q: Is there the will to do this? Why hasn’t the governor or some other high-ranking government official started to raise the possibility of a state program to get every commercial and residential building rooftop fitted with solar panels and wall batteries? We have programs to get Californians to buy electric vehicles, now we need the same for solar energy for every building. Why wait?

Bruce Krutel, San Jose

A: Some cities now require all new homes to install solar panels. That’s at least a start. And on the federal level, the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (H.R. 763) is a bill currently before Congress. If enacted, supporters say it will reduce CO2 emissions by 40% in the first 12 years and will be a significant national step toward fighting climate change.

Coming Tuesday, more on the push for electric cars.

Join Gary Richards for an hourlong chat noon Wednesday at www.mercurynews.com/live-chats. Look for Gary Richards at Facebook.com/mr.roadshow or contact him at mrroadshow@bayareanewsgroup.com or 408-920-5335.